When a commercial property suffers a loss such as a fire, hail, windstorm, vandalism, or equipment damage, it is very important to have business income insurance. This type of coverage is not generally sold as a stand-alone policy, but rather an extra policy provision. Business income insurance keeps your business from having to close its doors due to these unexpected events. When a loss happens to your commercial property, you are still obligated to pay the bills such as employees, rent or mortgage payments, advertising, suppliers, taxes, or even yourself. Business income insurance can keep the capital flowing through your company in the event that a loss occurs. It may also help you maintain your business continuity strategy, keep your business afloat if you are required to close for a short time, pay for loss net income and continuing expenses like mortgage, advertising, taxes, and salaries, and pay your relocation and advertising fees if you must set up at a temporary site.
When a loss happens to your commercial property, there is a lot of documentation the must be prepared for your insurance company in order to collect money for this business interruption. On average, property owners do not know where to begin. All American Public Adjusters, Inc is licensed and bonded to review your policy, review and prepare all of your records to present to the insurance company to get you compensated as quickly as possible. Because time is money, it is important to have an expert help you in this time of need. Call All American Public Adjusters, Inc if you have suffered a loss to your commercial property.