Hurricane Sandy: Fire, Wind and Flood Damage Claims, the after effects.
Hurricane Sandy devastated New York like no other natural disaster in the past 30 years from flood water rising. The losses of homes and cars was astronomical and New York was not ready. Lives changed, people changed, New York changed. Many people lost their homes and worse yet, some even lost their lives.
The city and the infrastructure were not prepared for flooding, even the insurance companies were not prepared. Power went out, heat went out, stores were looted wind damage caused roofs to blow off lives were lost due to major flooding. In this what seemed to be New York’s darkest hour, the one thing that was not lost was the spirit of the people themselves.
Gas was no where to be found due to power failure, and the few gas stations that were able to get their deliveries had lines up to 10 blocks long and people waiting in lines at stations that they thought may get gas in the next day or so.
People got together and helped with the Flood damage, Water damage, the Wind damage and whatever other types of damage there was. They gave each other helping hands by cleaning out peoples homes, sharing food, giving out essential supplies and coming together like only New Yorkers can in a time of need.
Many people had no knowledge or experience in dealing with insurance claims and turned to Public Adjusters to battle the insurance companies, the same insurance companies who were not prepared to handle a natural disaster of this magnitude. Insurance companies themselves turned to public adjusters from outside New York state to go out and see the devastated homes and other carnage that hurricane Sandy had wrought. With the unparalleled devastation that Sandy brought with her came the largest amount of insurance claims that insurance companies have seen since hurricane Katrina and they were shown to be lacking in not only staff but also in compassion.
Many insurance claims were underpaid if not totally denied because most people do not know their insurance policies and it is easier for an insurance company to deny a claim then to pay it and hurt their bottom line. Fortunately New Yorkers are an intelligent and resilient lot, they learned how to survive and move on, they hired public adjusters for their unpaid and underpaid claims and did the best they could until the money started to come in. Unpaid insurance claims due to flood water into paid insurance claims, underpaid insurance claims turned into well paid insurance claims and people started to fix the flood damage homes, water damage, wind damage and what ever other types of damage was caused by hurricane Sandy.
Insurance claims rose from and insurance adjuster were sent to deal with flood damage and water damage claim thru out 5 boroughs. Hurricane sandy brought total devastion to brooklyn, staten island, long island and queens. Neighborhoods were lost, much of Breezy Point in Queens burned down, Seagate in Brooklyn was submerged, Manhattan Beach in Brooklyn was underwater, South Shore of Staten Island used life boats to get people and pets out of their homes and to safety and long island.
Much like the time after the twin tower tragedy New Yorkers came together like only they can. They got back on their feet, they weathered the storm, they will rebuild and Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, Manhattan and the Bronx will be better then it was before hurricane Sandy because once more we proved that we will heal and we will move on.
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